Conference Session Announced: "What's the Low Down on Autonomous Practice and APRN Issues? Protecting Your License and Getting Involved!"

Posted about 2 years ago in Annual Conference

What’s the Low Down on Autonomous Practice and APRN Issues?

Protecting Your License and Getting Involved!


We're excited to announce Dr. Vicky Stone-Gale, DNP APRN FNP-BC, FNPN Vice President and Legislative Chair; and Florida Board of Nursing, North Probably Cause Panel Chair, will be a guest speaker at our 1st Annual Conference!  Whether you are an experienced NP, novice NP, or an NP Student, you don't want to miss the opportunity get the latest information on this very important topic!

Dr. Stone-Gale has worked diligently to expand the role and scope of practice for NPs in Florida, including working with our state legislators to pass laws and create rules that remove barriers to accessing healthcare, such as NPs prescribing controlled substances and autonomous practice. 

Please, join us at our 1st Annual Conference on March 31st and April 1st at Kane Center in Stuart, Florida.  For more conference information and to register, click here.

*This educational activity will be submitted to the American Association of Nurse Practitioners® for approval of up to 6.0 contact hours of accredited education.