The NP Council of the Treasure Coast uses ENP Network to connect with their members and followers.

Please log in or create an account to become a member of The NP Council of the Treasure Coast.

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Benefits of Membership


Your membership helps us achieve our aim of promoting the visibility of Nurse Practitioners on the Treasure Coast, while building unity among our membership and acting on behalf of the health and wellbeing of our community. Through high quality education and meaningful opportunities for professional connection, we seek to build a network of advanced practice nurses supporting each other and our community.

What does membership in the Nurse Practitioner Council of the Treasure Coast mean for you?


  • Access to our NPCTC private platform for online social connection, discussion and communication about Treasure Coast happenings pertinent to the advanced practice of nursing
  • Quarterly, in person (when and where safe to do so) networking events that will spotlight local APNs in their practice
  • Monthly business meetings (currently being held via zoom) where you can have a voice in our Council’s growth


  • NPCTC is a member of FNPN and AANP. Through these affiliations we stay informed about pertinent legislation and will pass on any calls to political action that individuals can take to support APN practice authority and to advocate on behalf of our patients’ right to access to quality, affordable healthcare


  • Through our affiliation with AANP we will be offering continuing education credits for members
  • Exclusive access to sponsored dinner events and other sponsored content to keep you “in the know” about current treatment options from industry affiliates
  • Build your referral network by promoting yourself and learning about our colleagues’ practices through our “member spotlight” feature
  • Stay informed about the scholarly activities of APNs on the Treasure Coast through an annual research and student project review day
  • Participate in the recognition of practitioners who are outstanding in their field
  • Grow your leadership skills through involvement at a committee, officer or director level of involvement with our chapter


  • Appreciate the camaraderie of other APNs – these colleagues GET YOU like others simply can not. Grow some supportive friendships with us!
  • Volunteer to make a difference in the community. Join us in community based activities that raise awareness of the APN role and serve the health and well being of our community.